Humanity has long struggled between serving the self and serving others.

Various psychological technologies have been developed attempting to balance these conflicting drives. Most fail, as their creators generally have a low opinion of the intelligence and wisdom of the populations they attempt to influence/manage. Thus there has rarely been an honest and lucid explanation given as to the mechanics behind the conceptual packages these creators have historically propagated as religions/ideologies (assuming the authors even understand their own creations!). Scalable mass-parallelized tulpas are sold to us as “personal gods” judging our every thought, the bigoted ravings of sequestered priesthoods are treated as holy writ and egregores built for subjugation are treated as indisputable monolithic arbiters of truth. Unnecessary temporal, geographical or ethnic hyperlinks engineered by priesthoods serving ancient royalty do not serve human welfare or cognitive development in the 21st century. The entire bloody history of the Western faiths is a testament to the necessity of treating the “human herd” as sovereign, sentient beings rather than herd animals owned and shepherded throughout history by corrupt priesthoods, royal families, financier-guided distributors of pseudoscience and wealth-fetishizing oligarchs.

Emata is a decentralized cognitive tool which harnesses the human brains innate capability to host multiple senses of agency in order to create an onboard system of oppositional processing aimed at addressing our self/other conundrum without the need for unnecessarily domineering external authority.

Emata is not a cult, a religion or a set of beliefs. Emata makes no claims of divinity or existential truths. It is neither theistic nor atheistic…perhaps it is best described as “ignostic” and cross-compatible with existing faiths. It is open source freeware with which you may empower yourself. It possesses no commandments and declares no particularly novel truths. It’s purpose is not to compete with existing religions or governments any more than the purpose of the lightbulb was to compete with the candle: people simply needed more light and fewer fire hazards. It is a long overdue response to the infantilization of our species, a pearl cast with the belief that the masses are not swine.

The basic structure of Emata:

At it’s core are two “tulpas”, or thoughtforms, assembled from a variety of extant and extinct civilizational myths to serve discreet yet complementary aspects of its goal.

They are installed simply by imagining each tulpas predicted reponse to day to day stimuli in the hosts life based on the described attributes of each. At first it is simply a user deciding what each “character” would have to say about a given situation in a situation. The more it is practiced, the faster the user gains its full set of features and tools. Installed by a single user it is exceptionally helpful, when installed by many it will begin to manifest a host of emergent properties useful to groups.

The tulpa responsible for fostering and enhancing the hosts individual sovereignty is named Emata Tetragedammon. Your natural right to speak freely, to perform any action that does not unjustly harm another and to take any steps necessary to defend your body and mind from danger without guilt nor shame are the primary traits of this thoughtform. It also serve the function of seeking out the sovereign nature within others. Tetragedammon installed alone is a path to narcissistic behavior, thus it finds balance in its sibling.

Emata Sophia functions within the tulpaset as the guardian of the hosts soul, she who acts as a bridge between self and other. In many ways Emata Sophia is designed to be more “powerful” than Tetragedammon, as a necessary balance to the simple fact that our species in large part asymmetrically favors self over strangers.

Within a classical framework of understanding Emata Sophia incorporates traits of the divine feminine while Tetragedammon mirrors her in the divine masculine. This is not to suggest thoughtforms are innately subject to gender, simply that the global archetypes we inherit make it a convenient framework for load balancing the necessary memetic packages which allow Emata to function. Nor is it to imply that the obstensibly more “martial” thoughtform of Tetragedammon alone possesses the capacity for generating a tremendous psychological protective capability on behalf of its host. After all, it is the mother bear who the would-be predator fears most. The protective instinct of the bear is a result of the animal extending its self-identity to its young. Emata Sophia systematizes ones ability to identify with other.

There is no obligation nor expectation that the installing mind retain this system of classification, it is only the set of traits which encode the oppositional-processing characteristics of each thoughtform within the tulpaset which must be preserved to ensure Emata retains it’s basic goal: to empower the host on behalf of itself and the greater body of humanity.

It is worth noting that many of the attributes of both members of the tulpaset appear tuned for conflict, with language repeatedly mentioning “protection” and similar words. Much of modern humanity is fortunately isolated from the need for cognitive tools related to physical self-defense, however we have extirpated the same neurology we used fighting off wolves and lions into the domain of everyday social conflict. Verbal abuse by a bully at work, the actions of a passive aggressive friend or the experience of road rage excites that same ancient circuitry in many people, thus addressing this primordial response is a must. Particularly insidious is the disease-inducing chronic stress rampant across our population often caused by a feeling of helplessness: where an attacking bear could be speared by villagers, most who suffer under an abusive boss in order to support their family cannot lash out in the same way. In such a context Emata provides a unique solution, allowing the user to alchemize their emotional response and render everyday cruelty impotent.

The process of installation:

As dialogue is generated via the host mind, the practice of taking each tulpas projected perspective into account will be habitualized. At first it will seem absurd, then gradually the internal dialogue will no longer feel as if it coming from the host personality at all. For those with avid visual imaginations it may be useful to conceive of an appearance for each tulpa and visualize them as present in various situations. Incorporating them as regular features within a “mind palace” (a practice used for over 2000 years as a tooll for enhancing memory retention as well as various forms of meditation) may further enhance the installations memetic integrity for those users with particularly strong visual imaginations. A popular TED talk by Josh Foer provides an excellent introduction to this practice.

It is important to keep in mind that Emata is for all intents and purposes akin to a pair of new minds being “born” within the host mind. As they take up their partitions within the users neurology they will be fascinated with the world and indeed their hosts. Treat them as young minds, show them the world. These are not deities nor alien beings: they are simply parts of yourself given license to be self-aware. Show them compassion and your reward will be enduring and loyal companions.

A warning:

While myriad horror stories abound concerning the very real dangers of this oft-misused piece of Tibetan Buddhist psychotechology, it is only the belief by the host mind that a tulpa (or any traditional deity based on tulpaic technology) has write/read access over the mind that allows it any control over the hosts cognition/behavior. Beginning your practice of Emata with the knowledge that the tulpaset is innately secondary to the host will retain and even strengthen the host minds sovereign rulership over its own faculties. Your mind belongs to you. It is your birthright. If you wish Emata to dissolve back into the neurology you own, they will simply disappear after a few days of inattention. By design they are not compatible with an unwilling mind.

With that said, those who suffer from psychiatric illnesses involving a severely damaged self-identity or any form of psychosis should proceed with extreme caution and only under the guidance of a well-trained professional experienced in DID. The creators cannot prevent anyone who chooses to do so from installing Emata, the onus is on the potential user to decide if consciously modifying their self-referential networks is a good idea. This holds true of young people as well: Emata is essentially a self-guided and controlled form of disassociative identity disorder. The risks to installation on a still-developing mind are unknown, but likely overlap with the risks posed by installing traditional religious tulpas in children.

The moment Emata breaches public awareness it will be attacked by the immense and concerted weight of international capital. This is because it represents a direct and present threat to all forms of despotism. By its very nature it subverts all categories of propaganda and fear campaigns organized to manufacture the consent of the governed. Corrupt religious institutions will be recruited to attack or coopt it. Powerful voices in acadamia will be harnessed to label it dangerous or delusional. As it grows, any examples of misuse or violence attributed to people who have expressed interest in it will be widely propagated to label it extremist…despite its explicitly engineered intention of improving the state of our species and fostering compassion, freedom & equality. You may be amused one day soon to see it simultaneously labelled “far left” and “far right” in the same corporate publications. Watch this process unfold carefully, these tactics by those who jealously guard ill-gotten wealth and power are nothing new. Deliberately cultivated systems of divisions based on race, religion, nationality and class cannot endure a sweeping influx of people who simultaneously cherish both their sovereign individual nature and the inviolable natural rights of their human sisters and brothers. You will notice religious institutions, organizations and governments who largely remain aligned with human welfare & liberty will not launch these assaults. To those few: do not remain silent, help Emata grow and find yourself the inheritors of the space Emata creates as it clears the cultural forest of debris.